Navneet Ramadurai Satire
Mr DECA President himself and apparently one day "Mr President", Navneet Ramadurai says as he looks forward to continue his future at the University of Toronto. Let me talk to you about my good friend Navneet or "Navy" for short. He is probably the dumbest smart person I know, meaning he excels in all facets of life when it comes to important stuff like grades, school and jobs. But I have never, ever, in my life meet someone so incredibly dense. This man just speaks about any topic like he invented it and is convinced that he is correct 100% of the time. And when he starts speaking it is like the flood gates of words just unleashed. Hearing him speak is like reading a whole 650 word personal essay with no periods, it hurts my head trying to keep up with him. When this boy speaks, it's like listening to "Rap God" by Emnimen, but on two times speed. Dude's just weird, I don't know how else to describe it; I doubt there is even a good description that fits him.
One particular day we went out to 2 restaurants in Cleveland Ohio and Navneet felt extra fruity today, so he decided to mingle with waitresses. I feel as though he was lowkey hitting on them, which is absolutely appalling. Imagine a young, innocent, safe, respectful and overall awesome individual (myself) having to listen to Navneet, a walking bag of hormones, spit some game in an Olive Garden in Ohio. The fact that it was Ohio pisses me off more than anything (no disrespect to Ohio its just a terrible a state).
Another eventful moment with this five foot two, one hundred and ten pounds, five star receiver straight out of Troy High is when we took a nice little drive to Detroit at 8pm in July, 2020. Keep in mind these are when the protests were taking place all over the nation, so naturally I thought this was a very sketchy idea to begin with. But being the spontaneous individual that I am: I said yes. As soon as we got to Detroit, I feared my life. Canisters of what seems to be "liquid ass" were being hurled in the air, as a result the air quality was absolutely unbearable. Navneet, however, seemed to not be phased by these external factors whatsoever. In fact he seemed to be in his element, having a big smile on his face eager to keep going deeper to the city. Once we reached downtown Detroit, we witnessed 10 people carrying assault rifles, and judging by their body language, facial expressions and overall demeanor they were not afraid to use it. So obviously, I along with Mr. Kyle Jung thought that returning back to the safe comforts of Troy was the best idea. However, Navneet thought differently. "What are you even afraid of, its so safe here", he utters with obvious excitement in his voice. Is this the logical thinking that a person applying to almost every Ivy League school would have? Is this the person that will lead 213 DECA members to the national level? Most importantly, is this the person you want as your future president? NO.
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