Srujan koneru and his puzzling ways.

This post is solely dedicated to the menace named Srujan Koneru. He is a Michigan State freshmen now, but attended Troy High last year. And since we are on the topic of complex characters I thought this boy would be fitting. I've seen this kid around Troy for literally all my life, but I've never really talked to him until last year at cross country. Before meeting him, I always thought he was a quiet nerdy kid. My assumptions were totally false. In fact the opposite was true. Everything from his goofy personality and just lack of functioning brain cells, attribute to this unusual character. He is by every definition a thrill seeker: someone who looks for trouble and a surge of adrenaline whenever he can. The most recent event I could think of was Friday night. So the night started off pretty wacky, we both played soccer with like 30 other people at Oakland University. The lights, however, were not on; so 5 of us thought it was a great idea to drive our cars onto the field and use our headlights to aid our vision. Not even an hour later, the cops came and just ended the whole event (luckily he was chill so its aight). Anyways its like 12:30 am right now and I just got home, I'm gassed as hell and all I wanted to do was just sleep. Then all of a sudden I get a text message from Srujan saying "Get your ass outside" I look out the window and he was just parked outside. He then proceeded to say "we are going to uofm right now to meet up with Anish" (Anish is someone who I fear, not because he's mean or anything. But because he parties way too hard, and my future is in definite danger if even just a piece of him rub off on me). So I just pretended like I was asleep :)  
    So from this point we can all safely assume this is probably one of the most spontaneous person to ever exist, and the stuff he does is just mind boggling. But all of these extremely daring actions I think, is to compensate for his "wuss" like approach when it comes to talking to girls😂. This man just simply cannot talk to them whatsoever, and is lacking what they call the "bold" trait. To this day he is probably one of my closest friends, but I lowkey need to stop hanging out with him as much though; dudes gonna get me killed one day and thats not even a question. You would think this man isn't totally there in terms of academics, but you would surprisingly be wrong. Somehow, his nonchalant nature towards school actually assists in his success. Of course, if he applied himself more he would be in a much better position than he is in right now, "but where's the fun in that?" Koneru says. We may never know what really goes on in this man's head. I read people every day, and I would like to think I'm pretty good at it; but Srujan by far is one of the most puzzling characters I've ever met. Sometimes I refuse to believe this man is an actual person, talking to him makes me feel like I am in a cartoon.
