trieu moo

     For those who didn't know my actual name is Trieu and not Trevor. I'm pretty sure my grandpa picked out that name for me and my parents agreed with it. When I was a kid I didn't really like it cause it was different and didn't necessarily fit in. When I moved to Troy in kindergarten I was a pretty shy kid, and did not have the easiest time fitting in. Having a "weird" name didn't really help my case, so I begged my parents to call me Trevor and to my surprise they agreed. Over the years, however, the name Trieu kinda grew on me. It's slick, clean, one syllable and quite distinguishable. Makes me wish I never changed it in the first place. 

Having one actual name and a name I go by proved to be rather confusing and have costed me a bit of money. For example, when I signed up for the ACT (I ended up never taking it) I signed up under the name: Trevor Nguyen. I quickly realized after the whole registration process that Trevor Nguyen technically does not exist. I tried to change it or edit my registration, but everything was already set in stone. I used to hate it when kids tease me about my actual name, but now I just think its funny. The most recent example was when one of my good buddies captioned his instagram post "Pearl necklaces and matching swimmies, dance on em Trieu". You guys should definitely check this post out and give it a like. (While you're at it, check out my instagram, if Im not blocked on your insta that is). Anyways, I kind of get jealous of other people's cool names. I met this girl named krystal recently and thought her name was kind of sick. I also think classic names are cool as hell, like Christopher, or Alexandra, or Isabella, or Nicholas. Nico is a sick name too, its slick, modern, sounds fancy, and just rolls off the tongue. The shortened version of the name I go by is the best tho, "Trev". It just sounds pleasing to the ears.   

Song of the week: "Smaller"-Christian Leave
